If you’re a content creator on YouTube, you may have encountered the dreaded copyright claim at some point in your journey. These claims can be frustrating, but fear not, for there are ways to resolve them.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of fixing copyright claims on YouTube, complete with helpful screenshots.

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand what copyright claims are on YouTube. Copyright claims occur when someone, typically the copyright owner, asserts that your video contains copyrighted material. This could be music, images, video clips, or any other content protected by copyright law.

When a copyright claim is made on your video, YouTube may take various actions, such as demonetizing your video, limiting its visibility, or even taking it down. It’s crucial to address these claims promptly to maintain the health and success of your channel.

The first step is to identify the video that has received a copyright claim. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your YouTube account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner. Then, select “YouTube Studio.”
  1. In the YouTube Studio, navigate to the “Videos” tab on the left sidebar.
  1. Here, you’ll see a list of all your videos. Look for the video that has a copyright claim. It will be indicated with a yellow dollar sign icon.

Once you’ve identified the video with a copyright claim, you’ll want to see the details of the claim. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the video with the copyright claim.
  2. In the video details section, you will see a “Copyright” tab. Click on it to view the copyright claim details.

Step 3: Understanding the Claim

Now that you’ve accessed the copyright claim details, you can see who claimed your video and why. This information will help you decide on the appropriate course of action.

To resolve the copyright claim, you have a few options:

  1. Acknowledgment and Share Revenue: If you’re okay with sharing revenue with the copyright owner, you can acknowledge the claim and continue to show ads on your video.
  2. Remove or Replace the Content: If the claim is legitimate, consider editing your video to remove or replace the copyrighted content. This will release the claim.
  3. Dispute the Claim: If you believe the claim is incorrect, you can dispute it. Click the “Select action” dropdown and choose “Dispute.” You’ll be prompted to provide more details about why you’re disputing the claim.
  4. Retract the Dispute: If you initially disputed the claim but later changed your mind, you can retract the dispute.

Step 5: Monitoring the Claim Resolution

After taking the necessary action, you can monitor the status of the claim in the Copyright tab. YouTube will review your dispute, and the claim will be resolved accordingly.


Copyright claims on YouTube can be a headache, but they are manageable. By following the steps outlined in this guide and understanding your options, you can address copyright claims and ensure your channel remains in good standing. Remember to be respectful of copyright owners’ rights and only use content you have the legal rights to use. Happy YouTubing!

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